KR2020Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and ReasoningProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Rhodes, Greece. September 12-18, 2020.

Edited by

ISSN: 2334-1033
ISBN: 978-0-9992411-7-2

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Copyright © 2020 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization

Towards a Logic of Meta-Analysis

  1. Rafael Peñaloza(University of Milano-Bicocca)


  1. Uncertainty, vagueness, many-valued and fuzzy logics-General
  2. Knowledge representation languages-General


We currently have access to a plethora of statistical analyses based on sampling limited parts of a population. Meta-analysis is the task of combining several statistical results to obtain a more precise and reliable picture of the population. By the nature of sampling, all these results are uncertain, and difficult to combine with other knowledge. In this position paper, we propose a first approach for automated reasoning in meta-analyses.