Online event. November 3-12, 2021.
ISSN: 2334-1033
ISBN: 978-1-956792-99-7
Copyright © 2021 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
The standard representation formalism for multi-agent epistemic planning has one central disadvantage: When you use event models in dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) to describe the action of one agent, the model must specify not only the actual change and the change of that agent's knowledge. Also required is the epistemic change of any agents that may be observing the first agent performing the action, plus the epistemic change for any further agents that failed to observe that anything had taken place. To overcome the gap between this complex DEL notion of events and a more commonsense notion of actions, we propose a simple high-level action description language for multi-agent epistemic planning domains with just one type of effect laws: a causes x if y. Effect x can either be a physical effect, or an observation from an independent set that is specific to individual agents. We formally prove that any DEL event model can be described in this way. We show how this language provides a framework for expressing a variety of executability and action models; such as describing actions that are both ontic and epistemic, partially observable, or nondeterministic. We further combine our representation of event models with a description language for finitary initial epistemic theories, and we show how this allows us to reason about the effects of a sequence of actions in a multi-agent epistemic domain by updating a single multi-pointed epistemic model.